Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The 9:04am Sunday ramblings of a sleep deprived, fashion deficit, thirty something mum....

Oooh, I like that stripey t-shirt she is wearing, looks great with those cute shoes.  I don’t know if her bag matches, but I can see the look she is going for.  

Are they cut off jeans? Yes, but why roll them up so high?  Paired with a fluro t-shirt, now I feel old.  I wore fluro in Primary school, I used to wear fluro pink socks with my blue school uniform.  Cringe!  I do like the skirt that lady across the aisle is wearing, the chiffon really flows and looks dreamy, but burgundy and white?  I am not so sure about that. 

I wonder where Miss Z got that grape from?  I certainly didn’t pack any.  

Oh dear, my friend is wearing the same outfit that she wore yesterday.  I couldn’t do that, I would have to wash it.  She obviously doesn’t spill things like I do.  I don’t think she even has BO, she always smells good.  I should ask her what perfume she wears.
Oh a powerpoint, I wonder if there will be any photos, I like photos.  I must put our photos of New Zealand into a Powerpoint, dad has said he would like to see them.  Hmm, it would be lunch time in Auckland, it would be nice to have lunch at that little cafe on the harbour.  Boy I got sunburnt badly on the ferry.  

Hmm, Simon has a new shirt on... I do like blue.  I wonder if Mr Me would wear a shirt like that, probably not, actually then I would have to iron it.  I don’t fancy checking how high the ironing pile is, I bet it is higher that Miss Z by now.  Must get onto that after playgroup this week.  

Haha, Miss A just threw a sultana and it sailed 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 rows in front, she has quite an arm on her. Oooh, must must must not forget to send out an email about playgroup, have a few new girls coming, that will be nice.  I wonder if Mrs DE will come this year, she is lovely and has nice hair.  I can’t believe she says she doesn’t colour it, I bet she secretly does.  I could go and check her bins, no that would be creepy.
Oh, communion time.  Hmmm, yes, am very thankful for what God has done.  Agree with the sermon? Ummmm.... well..... I suppose I do, I agree with the philosphies upheld in the church.  Hmmm?  God been speaking to me?  Well.... does God really speak to people in the same way he did in the Bible? Yancey said something about that in a book I started reading a while ago....  Yes, the book with the nice cover, blue one with clouds.  I wonder if it would be too much to paint clouds on the ceiling in our bedroom?  Would I sponge it?  I might Google that when I get home.  Oh, communication cards... Prayer requests?  No, I am all good.  Nothing needing prayer for here.


  1. I love it! I do the same thing; church inspired random streams of consciousness. Although I think I may recognise the friend wearing the same outfit two days in a row ;-)

  2. PS. Love how the self proclaimed fashion deficient (not that I agree with your claim) becomes the fashion police!
