Tuesday, October 19, 2010

How rich are you?

Our pastor spoke about this website on Sunday. Very interesting. You plug in how much you earn (you may need to do some conversions to $US) and it tells you where you are in relation to the world's population.

Here is the link: www.globalrichlist.com

Makes you think doesn't it? We are so obsessed with how much money we need to pay the mortgage, buy food, pay the bills, dress ourselves and our kids etc. But when you start to think about how little people elsewhere survive on, it changes your focus from being one of how do we make our money last longer to how can we help someone else?

We have begun to rethink how we are helping others.  Some places we are looking are:

Compassion International - child sponsorship

Hagar International - freeing children from the sex trade abroad

Oxfam International - why not buy a family a goat?

Scripture Union - bringing Jesus into schools

Are we doing enough to make the world a better place?

1 comment:

  1. Great timing for me as I come to terms with a 1 income lifestyle. looked at our budget last night...there's no longer any 'play money' but I can't see where we can trim the budget. 1 thing I have talked about with J is how i don't want to compromise our giving...both tithes and other. so now i am working on a plan for making a little bit of money to help fund my missions giving. I like your list.....mine's similar but i also like Destiny Rescue (sex trade rescuers from Buderim), Campus Crusade (esp their work OS in non-tian countries), the Bible Society (their Bible a month club is pretty cool) and our local Christian radio station. Too bad we can't do more...there's so many great organisations doing wonderful things.
